Sunday, April 21, 2013

Chill Weekend!

Time for a personal blog entry, because....well, because I feel like it! haha. This weekend has gone by way too fast, but I say that every weekend. It was such a chill weekend, and I really needed that. Saturday was spent staying in bed and watching movies and catching up on my American television shows. I was supposed to go grocery shopping, but my mom called and said that since she was already at the grocery store she would do my shopping for me, because I should rest! I know, I have the best mommy in the whole world! I think the real reason she did the grocery shopping for me was because she didn't want me to be tempted into buying junk food.  I must say that my parents have been a great support system for me while I try leading a healthier life.  I ended up watching Alien vs. Predator, Saving Private Ryan and catching up on Dance Mom's and Project Runway...and I did all this while staying in bed! Hell yea! That sounds like a perfect Saturday to me.  The only thing missing was...shoppingggg!

Today(Sunday) was a little more busy, but still pretty chill. I woke up to my annoying neighbors using their chainsaw at 8am. Who does that?!? They use their power saw's and anything else that makes noise between the hours of of 7am and 1am.  I think it's so damn rude to make all that noise that early and that late at night. There has been many times that I have gone outside and told them to shut that shit down. I work and I love my sleep to damn much to be disturbed all day and all night. Aren't there laws that should prevent this shit from happening?!? Anywhooo, I woke up and watched a little more television and called my mom to see if she was getting ready for church.  I went to church and then I decided to hit the mall and try on some clothing options for this summer. I do a lot of online shopping so it's always smart to go to an actual store and try on things to make sure they look good on you.  The rest of the day was spent over my parents house, talking, laughing and eating good food.  I'm now sitting here watching Housewives of Atlanta, drinking tea and getting ready for bed.

I hope you all have a happy and successful week...and I'll raise my tea cup to hoping next weekend is just as chill as this weekend was!

Until next time~

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