Saturday, April 6, 2013

OPI: Disney's Oz Edition

I started a fashion blog last year that I sort of abandoned. I decided that I would make this an all purpose blog and include some fashion on here as well.  I love OPI nail polish and while it's not the cheapest nail polish that you can get, I do like the quality better than some of the cheaper brands. Not to mention...the colors that OPI offer are amazing with cute and sassy names. In this entry I just wanted to introduce you to the colors from their "Disney's OZ: The Great and Powerful Edition". I recently ordered 3 out of the 7 color options and I'll list those in this entry! All images found through Google. If you want to see the other colors in this collection and "try them on" you can visit OPI's  super cool website -here-

Lights of Emerald City
In all the pictures that I've seen, I notice that this confetti polish tends to look better over a light base coat. I really like the way it looks with a soft pink. This is probably paired best with the "I Theodora You" shade from the same collection. It really is a very soft, sheer and pretty pink.

Which is Witch?

This is another confetti polish and I think in the above picture it is paired with "Glints of Glenda" also from the same collection.

When Monkeys Fly
This one is my favorite confetti polish from the set. I love the big gold flecks and it most definitely looks better when paired with a black polish or a light sheer polish.

The fun thing about confetti polish is the fact that before it dries you can move the confetti around and make different designs with it. Happy polishing!

Until next time~

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