Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Laughter Cures...

I love this quote so much, it states the most important quality that I look for in people that I surround myself with. The world needs more laughter, and luckily for me I have people in my life that make me laugh every single day. I have some of the best friends in the world and although some of them are thousands of miles away, I still feel their love and light with me wherever I go.  What brought on this sentimental post you might wonder....well, my special someone sent me 4 videos of him hanging out with our best friends in Japan and it just brought back memories of my trip to Japan last year. The fun, laid back days and the wild and crazy nights. I miss them all terribly and I wish that things were different and that they were with me all the time, but it's true what they say....absence makes the heart grow fonder. 

On another note, I finally received something in the mail that I wasn't expecting and it was from my second mother. I had my eye on this watch for the longest and I was going to buy it last week, but luckily I didn't! 
I love love love it! 

On that note, I hope that each and everyone of you have people in your life that not only encourage you to laugh and be happy, but are participating in making that happen for you!

Until next time~

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