Saturday, March 8, 2014

Top 5 Pet Peeves

Because I'm super bored right now and no one is here to entertain me, I have no choice but to blog about something.....anything! Hahaha.

1. When someone crunches too loudly on chips. There is a way to eat them that doesn't require you to take 10 crunchy bites off of one potato chip.

2. When people pop gum. Once or twice is fine, but 15 times in a row is like nails on a chalkboard to me. We get it, you can pop gum.

3. When someone/anyone talks with their mouths full of food. I don't need to see what your food looks like semi-digested. Thank you.

4. When someone one is drinking from a straw and that get to the end off it and try to suck out every last drop of liquid, making that horrible slurping sound. Please don't. It makes me cry. Lol

5. People who litter. Be kind to the environment. Throw your crap away.

Bonus:  People who don't cover their food when they are heating it up in the microwave so food splatters everywhere! *hint hint yuta hint hint* <3 p="">

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