Thursday, March 6, 2014

See You Later Little B.

Heaven has gained another angel today, and this angel is a beautiful blonde hair, blue-eyed, amazing little 4 year old. Her little body was exhausted and she fought as hard as she could, but she couldn't fight any longer. She gained her wings today at 4:06pm. I'll miss her smiling face every day.

My Little B,
Yesterday won't be the memory of you that I keep in my heart. That was not the little ball of fire that I knew.  I will remember you as the bright, bubbly, talkative, energetic fire cracker you were.  I'll cherish the memories of you coming into my office with your stuffed frog and saying "Ms. Sierra, do you wanna dance with Mr. Hopper?" The memories of you sneaking lollipops and stickers out of my drawer. The days where we acted silly in the hallway.  The days we made faces at each other through the glass door. The days that you were happy, the days what you were well.  I'll miss you terribly.  You no longer have to suffer anymore baby girl.  Rest well and show God those awesome dance moves. This isn't goodbye, we'll dance together in the future and we'll make silly faces in the clouds.  See you later my little bunny. I love you.

Please pray for her parents and her little sister.....

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