Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Time Turner?

I could really use one of these right now, and I wish it were possible. Words can not express how exhausted I've been. How exhausted I am.  My spirits are up, but my body is hating me so much right now. I've been going to sleep past midnight, waking up at 4:00am to workout with my personal trainer from 5am until 6am. Then I go to the dance studio and work on my teacher evaluation piece from 6:30am until 7:30am, shower, work from 8:30am until sometimes 7 or 8pm, then come home take care of my dog's and then it's time to get my gym clothes, dance clothes and work clothes prepared for the next day. Everything is a blur....I haven't been eating anything. I think I've had maybe 2 meals in the last 4 days. There is just not enough time. Grab a banana, grab a granola bar, grab some yogurt and keep it moving.  It's becoming difficult for my body to take the strain, but because someone told me that I can't do it...it makes me that much more determined to do it. I want to know how far I can take my body, how much can it endure? I need to know how strong I really am.

This is worrisome to my parents and my friend's of course, but to me....I know no other way. Idle hands are the devils playground so I must keep going, even if I fall down, even if I crumble....I must get back up and keep going. It helps that I'm doing everything with a smile on my face. I feel good emotionally, but mentally and physically it's starting to hurt. How great would it be if I could be in 4 places at once? Although I'll fall....I don't want anyone to worry. I'll be okay and even if I won't be okay...I'm fine with that. I'm living with all my strength. I just want more time, more time to be with family, more time to be with friend's....more time to do more....be more.  Cheer me on! 

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