Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Me+You= 2

Wow. It has been such a long time since I have blogged anything. I've been super busy these last couple of months with work and just life in general. I need to get better about finding the time to update as frequently as I used to. There just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything I want to do...done. I'll update you about a couple of things I think I talked about the last time I blogged. First, I did my teacher evaluation test for dance and passed, so I was able to sign up to teach the teenagers. It has been a challenging experience so far, but overall it has been quite rewarding. It is most definitely harder teaching 16-17yr old's. My body just doesn't want to cooperate sometimes to get these kids to the level they should be performing, but luckily I have an AMAZING co-teacher (Kelly) that often picks up my slack! ;) I still teach my babies and let me tell you...they are a breath of fresh air after dealing with the attitudes of teens! LOL

Work....what is there to say about work? Well, it's been kicking my ass something terrible these last couple of months. My boss has taken several vacations, which means more work for me. It pays the bills and also allows me to buy the things I want, so I will refrain from complaining too much about it. :)

I have been on a health craze since January. I totally re-vamped my eating and exercise habits and I've made a pretty amazing transformation. Since January I have lost about 40lbs..which is amazingggg and I'm totally patting myself on the back for that. This journey is not over yet, and at times it's so hard I feel like giving up, but then I look in the mirror and I see how far I've come and how far I still want to go. The mental transformation is enough to make the 4am gym workouts worth every torturous minute! :)

Now, on to the title of this post and what it means. I have a special guy in my life right now, which is one of the reasons why I've been absent from my blog. I needed time to enjoy "us". If you know even a little bit about me (or have read my past entries) you can probably guess who my guy is. Things between us are going well. Not much has changed with our new title and I love it. We still argue, we still get on each other's nerves, but it's nice knowing that someone who you've known most of your life, will always be there for you no matter what. I still have the fear that our new status will somehow change us and it'll ruin the friendship that we've built over the years. He has done everything to assure me that, that would never happen and I'm starting to believe it. Our motto is "If it doesn't work, we at least know that we tried." Let's see where this goes. :)

This post has gone on long enough. I'll try to be more diligent about updating. 

Until next time~

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