Wow, it's been 6 months since i've blogged anything. There are many reasons for this, but the main reason would have to be that my laptop was broken. I have also been super busy with work and dealing with some emotional crap. The good news is that there are more good days than bad days. My anxiety has hit an all time high and it's to the point where I have to take medication just to fall asleep. Life is just tough sometimes, but it'll all be worth it in the end. I don't really know what inspired me to write this blog post, I guess there is just a bunch of stuff on my mind that I wanted to let out, but couldn't think of the proper channel to do so.
I used to be such a twitter addict, but I neglected twitter almost all summer it was a difficult decision, but I think that I needed a break. The thing that made it difficult was the fact that there are a few people on Twitter that I have connected with within the last 3-4 years. I consider them the little sister's I always wanted and never had, and I also gained some little brother's as well. I missed them during the time I was away from the internet trying to balance life and work. If you would have asked me 5 years ago if I thought it was possible to cultivate true and real friendships online with people who were thousands of miles away, I would have laughed, but I now know that it can happen and I want to take a moment to let those people know that I value and appreciate their friendship, and a lot of times they helped me get through some tough times in my life....even when I don't always show that things are difficult, they are always there with kind words or virtual hugs. I don't know if any of you are reading this, but if you know who you are and I thank you and I look forward to meeting you all someday..... :)
I'll end this here for now, because I don't want to go into some of the deeper issues going on right now....
Until next time~
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Let's Get Personal...
Hello again! Finally, I think I'm ready to explain what has been keeping me from blogging regularly. Let's start with the boring stuff. Work. Work has been incredibly busy for the last couple of months. I received a promotion that requires me to organize and do presentations for a large number of corporate people. The pay increase was amazing and one of the main reasons that I decided to take the promotion. There were times during the last couple of months where I doubted that I made the right decision. I had to deal with a jealous co-worker who also applied for the promotion and I also was assigned a team of employee's that I had to lead through the whole process of putting together a major presentation. My job was riding on how well I did, and I was so nervous that I would fail. Normally, I'm a very confident person, but I noticed lately that I've seemed to have lost some of my confidence, but I'm happy to report that the presentation went almost flawlessly and I was praised for what an amazing job I did. I did well enough that my boss promised that I wouldn't have to organize another one until after my Vegas trip in August. That is such a relief for me, because I literally had no life while I was doing all the research and putting it together, so finally I get to focus on the more simple things and no more 7 day work weeks! YES!
Okay, on to the most interesting topic of this blog post. I've been experiencing some relationship drama. After consulting with the boy, he agreed to let me vent here (it's not like he really had a choice). To say that things had been rocky for us would be an understatement. We were arguing all day, everyday and it was about stupid stuff. We were frustrated with each other, angry at each other and we both said some things that we wish we could take back. Late last month it got so bad that he stormed out of my house, refused to be in the same room with me, and it had us questioning if we made the right decision to move from friendship to relationship. At this point, our parents got involved. His parents pulled me into my bedroom and his mom asked me "Do you love him? Is that love strong enough to get past anything? Do the pro's outweigh the con's?" and my parents asked him the same questions and then they organized a boy's weekend for him and a girl's weekend for me. They said that they expected the answers to their questions by the end of Sunday. I'm not going to lie, it was hard to think about and it weighed heavily on my mind throughout the weekend, even through all the fun I was having. It was the most mentally exhausting weekend ever.
Fast forward to Sunday, we met back up with our parents and we gave them the answers that they were looking for and we discovered that we both had been foolish and immature and that we needed to work things out like the adults that we are. Things have been better since. Of course we both have our moments where I'm a raging bitch and he's a stubborn, rude asshole...but we're working through our issues and communicating better.
That brings me to the end of this extremely long and personal blog post. That's a summary of what's been going on with me...without too many horrible details. My next personal blog post will be about ex-girlfriends/boyfriends and the jealousy factor. Until then, stay tuned for some more online shopping posts.
Until next time~
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Nasty Gal: Knotty & Nice Edition
Nasty Gals Do It Better. |
I can't believe that it has been over a month since I have posted anything on my blog. I'm sorry that I've been gone for this long. I've been dealing with some personal issues, but I'll try to carve out some time to properly take care of this blog and promote the products that I've committed to promoting. Please be patient with me! I'm still getting ready for my Las Vegas trip which means that I've been spending an insanely large amount of money on shoes and clothes, and I haven't even started shopping for bathing suits! This edition of Nasty Gal is going to showcase some of my favorite things about this summer, white and crochet and maybe a little bit of lace. If you're interested in anything here, or you're curious about everything Nasty Gal has to offer you can click here--->
Click the links under the pictures to be taken to the product page of each dress. I hope you enjoy it! Well, here you go...another edition of Nasty Gal!
Dream Chaser Skater Dress |
Dream Motion Dress |
Tied Crochet Dress-Ivory |
Love Lace Dress |
Poetic License Crochet Swimsuit |
That brings me to the end of this blog post. I wanted to write more...tell you more, but it is currently after 1 am and I'm having allergy issues, so I hope you at least enjoyed the pictures and if you want more information, you know what you need to do...right? I'll be back really soon!
Until next time~
Monday, May 13, 2013
Nasty Gal: Bleach Babe/White Dress Edition
Wow, it's been over a week since I have posted anything on my blog and I feel absolutely terrible about that, but I've had good reason's. I won't go into those reason's in this blog post, because it's time for me to talk about white dresses! I am so excited about being able to finally re-introduce white to my wardrobe. It's not the easiest color to wear for women, but it's a must have during the summer. Light colored clothing keeps you so much cooler in the summer. You won't catch me in all black during the summer months. It's like asking to be burned. Let me introduce you to some of my favorite pieces and if you're loving them as much as I the Nasty Gal banner below and get to shopping!
Ullawatu Shirtdress $80USD |
Night Angel Dress $58USD |
Glowing Spring Dress $48USD |
Straight Laced Dress $68USD |
Those are a few of the options that I liked and I purchased 2 of these dresses. Can you guess which 2 I ordered? There might be a prize if you guess right! I can't reveal the prize just yet, but send me your guesses and we'll go from there! Sorry again for taking so long with this post. I have some exciting things lined up for this blog and I'm working with some really great people who are giving me oppurtunites that I couldn't have imagined having before. I guess it's a good thing that I love shoes and clothes and I'm excited to be sharing this passion with anyone who might be reading!
Take advantage of this: 
Shop Nasty Gal and get FREE Overnight Shipping on U.S. Orders of $150+. Shop Now!
Until next time...happy shopping!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
The Cost of Not Having Perfect Vision.
Hello there, it's been a few days since I've blogged. I was going to blog yesterday, but I went to the eye doctor and they had to dilate my pupils so I spent most of the day practically blind. Regrettably, it had been a few years since I've gone to the eye doctor and after yesterday I realized why. It's expensive as hell! Not only do you have to pay for the exams, but then there is the price of the frames for glasses and then the cost of lenses for your glasses and all the extras like...transitions, uv protection, scratch guard and the list goes on and on. I was very impressed with the staff and the doctors at Henry Ford OptimEyes. I felt like they really cared about my vision and they gave me some really good advice on how I can protect my vision from further damage. By the time I had picked out my glasses and had another exam for contact lenses I had spent a total of almost $550usd on the entire visit. My mom spent about the same amount and my dad was the big spender, because his glasses alone cost over $650. If the sales lady was working off of a commission...she made a lot of money off of us! I must say that the good thing about Henry Ford OptimEyes is that they give you the option to pay for half and pay the other half when you come pick up your glasses. It doesn't change the fact that you're spending over half a grand on eye wear, but it makes it easier if you don't have to spend it all at one time.
Overall, if you have perfect vision...cherish it, because when your eyes start to go bad there is very little you can do to correct it. So remember, always wear your sunglasses and don't sit too close to the television and if you work with computers for 9 hours a day like I're pretty much screwed! Haha!
Until next time~
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
OPI: Euro Centrale Edition
It's time for another OPI post. This is the Euro Centrale Collection. I'm only going to show you the shades that I recently purchased. Listed below are all the colors in the collection and of course they all have witty and unique names. I think I chuckled at a few of them.
-My Vampire is Buff
-OY-Another Polish Joke!
-You're Such a BudaPest
-Hnads Off My Kielbasa!
-Suzi's Hungary AGAIN!
-Can't Find My Czechbook
-My Paprika is Hotter than Yours!
-A Woman's Prague-ative
-OPI...Eurso Euro
-I Saw...U Saw...We Saw...Warsaw
-Vant to Bite My Neck?
First is, because I've been obsessed with confetti polish. I think it'll work best over clear/nude/soft white or blue nail polishes. cr:Beautezine |
OY-Another Polish Joke cr: The PolishAholic |
Can't Find My Czechbook cr: Beautezine |
I Saw...U Saw...We Saw...Warsaw! cr:Beautezine |
Vant To Bite My Neck? cr:Beautezine |
Until next time~
The Voice Vs American Idol
I've wanted to write this post for the longest time. I watch both of these shows, but my favorite would have to be The Voice for several reasons. The first reason is the use of the word "coach" instead of "judge". I think that entertainers have the responsibility to train and nurture potential talent, their job should not be to judge or tear down a persons hopes and dreams. I find American Idol to be damaging to the spirits of these people who are clearly looking for a place in the music industry. The judges on American Idol are borderline disrespectful in their criticism of the contestants. You won't find this kind of horrid behavior on The Voice. If they don't turn their chair around for a contestant, they offer constructive criticism and tell them what they need to work on to improve and most importantly they encourage them to KEEP GOING!
Let me start with American Idol. The judges(I hate this fucking word as much as I hate judgmental people!) this season are Mariah Carey, Randy Jackson, Nicki Minaj and Keith Urban. I liked the show a lot more when Simon Cowell was judging, because although he could be harsh, he wasn't nearly as disrespectful as Nicki Minaj can be. Sure she says some nice things...sometimes, but for the most part she's just plain fucking rude. Just because you don't like a performance does not mean that you have to make a person feel like shit! How about you take the time to tell them what they should work on and not telling them things like "ugh, just get off the stage", because at the end of the day how will they know what they need to improve in order to get America's vote? It wouldn't hurt to not show up late to a live show as well. Mariah Carey for me this season doesn't really do it for me either. I love her as a singer, but I don't know...she just seems bored and I'm underwhelmed by her as a judge. This season is going downhill and the ratings show it.
Enough about how horribad I think American Idol is.....on to The Voice....
The coaches on this season of The Voice are Adam Levine, Shakira, Usher and Blake Shelton. The dynamic between them is amazing. You'll find yourself laughing at their playful banter as they fight for the contestants. It's all in good fun and none of the coaches ever get upset. The reason that I originally fell in love with this show is the fact that the coaches start the audition's with their backs to the contestants. This allows them to really listen to the voice and not look at appearances. I think this is an important factor, because no one should be judged on how they look. Overall, this is a great show and if you haven't started watching really should!
Until next time~
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
...Because You Need Me
I had another post planned for tonight, but I feel like there is someone out there who needs me and needs this message....this isn't just for my special someone...this is for anyone out there having a hard time. It's okay to lean on those who love you most.
....stay strong....I love you~
....stay strong....I love you~
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Chill Weekend!
Time for a personal blog entry, because....well, because I feel like it! haha. This weekend has gone by way too fast, but I say that every weekend. It was such a chill weekend, and I really needed that. Saturday was spent staying in bed and watching movies and catching up on my American television shows. I was supposed to go grocery shopping, but my mom called and said that since she was already at the grocery store she would do my shopping for me, because I should rest! I know, I have the best mommy in the whole world! I think the real reason she did the grocery shopping for me was because she didn't want me to be tempted into buying junk food. I must say that my parents have been a great support system for me while I try leading a healthier life. I ended up watching Alien vs. Predator, Saving Private Ryan and catching up on Dance Mom's and Project Runway...and I did all this while staying in bed! Hell yea! That sounds like a perfect Saturday to me. The only thing missing was...shoppingggg!
Today(Sunday) was a little more busy, but still pretty chill. I woke up to my annoying neighbors using their chainsaw at 8am. Who does that?!? They use their power saw's and anything else that makes noise between the hours of of 7am and 1am. I think it's so damn rude to make all that noise that early and that late at night. There has been many times that I have gone outside and told them to shut that shit down. I work and I love my sleep to damn much to be disturbed all day and all night. Aren't there laws that should prevent this shit from happening?!? Anywhooo, I woke up and watched a little more television and called my mom to see if she was getting ready for church. I went to church and then I decided to hit the mall and try on some clothing options for this summer. I do a lot of online shopping so it's always smart to go to an actual store and try on things to make sure they look good on you. The rest of the day was spent over my parents house, talking, laughing and eating good food. I'm now sitting here watching Housewives of Atlanta, drinking tea and getting ready for bed.
I hope you all have a happy and successful week...and I'll raise my tea cup to hoping next weekend is just as chill as this weekend was!
Until next time~
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Society's Standards Or Your Standards?
Planning A Weekend Getaway- Las Vegas Update!
Well, the title of this post should actually be: Planning a Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday Getaway, because those are the day's that we have decided to go. We'll be leaving on my birthday (Aug 12th) and returning on Aug 15th. I feel like I can really get excited now that everything is booked and paid for, but my only concern is...what the hell do I pack? I'm probably not going to be able to fit any of my last year summer clothes, because I lost a lot of weight since last summer (YAY ME!). I'm currently still losing weight so that presents me with another issue....I can't shop for clothes and swimsuits until August, otherwise I could end up with clothes that are too big. I did make a huge order yesterday, but I ordered everything a size smaller than I wear now (let's hope that I stay on track and lose this weight!).
Anyway, on to the trip details. We booked our trip through Travelocity and we were able to get a pretty good deal on round trip airfare and our hotel stay. I think it came up to less than $500 which is great! If you missed my blog post about travel sites you can click -here-. We're flying Spirit Airlines and I absolutely hate hate hate hate that airline, because they charge you for everything...EVEN YOUR ACTUAL SEAT! The tickets are cheaper, and that's the only reason we chose Spirit...we didn't want to spend $200 more to fly American Airlines(I LOVE THEM!). We originally thought that we were going to be staying at the Aria hotel in Vegas, but at the last minute we switched it to the Vdara. We are staying in the Vdara Deluxe Suite. Check these pictures out!
Bedroom w/sofa bed |
Kitchen with all appliances |
Bathroom Option #1 |
Spa |
Relaxation Room |
Pools |
Until next time~
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Nasty Gal: Rompers+Jumpsuits Edition
It's been a few days since I've posted anything, and it's mostly because I was brainstorming ideas on how I could clean up this blog a little bit. I mostly want to make some cosmetic changes to it, and I've started by adding some icons in the sidebar. I want a new layout entirely, but I still need to do some research on that. I've also been super busy with work and trying to be an actual adult (it's not fun, so never grow up!). I received my heels from Just Fab today and I'm completely in love with them, but that's for another blog post! This post is another edition of Nasty Gal and it's the Romper and Jumpsuit post. Do you love rompers and jumpsuits? I think they are so versatile in switching between day and night looks. If you wear the right one you can pair it with a blazer and some mid heels for a day at the office and if you have a date or an evening engagement to go to you can remove the blazer, put on some make up, accessories and break out the stiletto's or wedges and you're ready to hit the town! Check out some of what Nasty Gal( has to offer in this area and tell me what you think. Click on the links under each picture to be taken to the product page!
I decided that I would only list two options for jumper's and two options for romper's. I can't show you everything...right? I hope that I'm giving people ideas on how to step into Spring/Summer 2013 feeling and looking your very best.!
Well, I guess that's the end of this post. I hope you liked it and remember..... Nasty Gals Do It Better. ;)
Until next time~
Monday, April 15, 2013
LuLu's: Must Have Mint Edition
Omg, omg, omg....can you say excited?!?! I squealed when I found this section on LuLu's website. If you have read some of my Nasty Gal post then you know that this Spring is all about Mint, Teal and White for me...I am absolutely in love with those colors. They say fresh, cool, breezy...FUN! I spent the majority of last night and part of today looking through this section and placing my order. I'm so thankful that my girl's have helped me plan this trip to Las Vegas in August, because it has given me the opportunity to shop for more shoes, purses and clothes! This is probably going to be a pretty image heavy entry, but I'll try not to link every single item (I won't make any promises though!). If you want to check out what else LuLu's has to offer other than their "Must Have Mint" collection, then please visit them -here-!
Okay, enough of my rambling with excitement, check these items out and fall in love as hard as I did!!!
Okay, okay...enough of the dresses, there are so many more, but I also wanted to highlight some of the shoes and accessories in the collection as well.
Alright, I think I've come to the end of this post. There were so many more items that I wanted to put into this post from this collection, but there was no way that I could have fit 3 pages of items into one blog post. You can click on the link below each picture and that will send you to the product page. If you want to see more, you know what you need to do right?
Until next time~
Okay, enough of my rambling with excitement, check these items out and fall in love as hard as I did!!!
O'Neill Statement Lace and Mint Print |
Just Dance Backless Mint Lace Dress |
Would You Gather Mint Green Dress |
Living on a Layer Mint Green and White |
Fiesta Frenzy Mint Sequin Espadrille Sandals |
Luichiny April Daze Mint Platform Heels |
Wreath Around the Rosie Gold Rose Earrings |
Ombre Waves Teal Nail Polish Set |
Until next time~
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